THAT ONE REMEMBERS IT BUT THAT IT IS NOT REPEATED! Four young people living constantly with the feeling to be “in between two wars”. Four human being who choose to pass through their fear to be able to meet each other. Four characters in quest for identity and understanding of the world they are living in. They share their opinion with a strong energy, they also share one common utopia: Freedom will begin where one will start to hear and to dialogue. Then, all along the play, we assist to their reflexions and questions about the world surrounding them, beyond the Lebanese borders. Facing them, Twelve human size puppets, manipulated by the actors tell us about their life during the civil war.
Supported by DRAC Ile de France and la Mission Culturelle Française au Liban, Theatre Sunflower,Cultural center of Hermel, Zico House and Cie La Poudrière. coproduction with Compagnie ExtraMuros, Paris.