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Creation Date




Camille Brunel


Eric Denaiud, Rima Maroun, and Aurélien Zouki




This performance was played approximately 180 times, in Lebanon, France and Syria. Arabiyetna is the story of a family of travelers, explorers of memory and story-tellers, who live on the roads between Europe and Middle East. They travel on a little cart that fits all their needs, like the ones we see sometimes in the Lebanese streets who sell coffee, corn, sweets and trinkets of all sorts. Their car is overflowing with objects creating a unique universe made of kitchen utensils, old objects, and many other trinkets. On the road, The Tombola family meets Ulysses, The Mediterranean hero in search for Ithaca. Ulysses loses his way back home and, silent and sad, shares the daily life of this family. To help him break his silence, the family tells us the main episodes of his odyssey and recreates, through the objects of their daily life, the sceneries, the oceans, and the monsters barring the hero’s path. Shadow theater, puppets and Object theater are recreated in the heart of the ever transforming cart accompanying Ulysses on the road of his memory.


Supported by DMDTS, Mission Culturelle de l’Ambassade de France au Liban, theatre Beit el Fan in Tripoli and Compagnie Ches Panses Vertes in Amiens. Adami, CulturesFrance and Mairie de Paris.